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Softener selection requires careful consideration

 2023-08-07 | View:511

Softener finishing effect, in addition to hardness tester, can also be used to quantify softness, smoothness, cool, phlegm, fat and other different tastes, still using multi-hand test scoring method. Different softeners have different softness, washable resistance, adsorption rates, dosage limits, fabric strength, yellowing and compatibility, and prices vary greatly. Care should be taken when choosing softeners.

The effect of the hydrophobic alkyl carbon chain on the softening effect is thought to be that the CC single bond can rotate around the single bond while maintaining a bond Angle of 10928', so that the long bonds are irregularly arranged in curly states. Thus, the flexibility of the molecule is formed, and under the action of external forces, the activity of stretching and shrinking can be given due to the flexibility of the long chain molecule. In this way, softener molecules are distributed on the surface of the fiber to lubricate

It reduces the dynamic and static friction coefficient between the fibers and increases the smoothness and softness of the fabric. Although the softening effect and the reduction of the friction coefficient of the fiber are two concepts, they are closely related, and the friction coefficient between the fibers can be reduced to obtain a soft feel, but the friction coefficient can be used to evaluate the fiber

The main factor of softness is not the only factor. Coefficient of friction divided by coefficient of friction and coefficient of static friction. A low coefficient of static friction means that when the fabric is held in the hand, the fibers begin to slide between them with less force, thus making them feel soft. The coefficient of dynamic friction is the value of the fibers pressed together with a weak force and slowly sliding. In soft finishing, the coefficient of static friction and dynamic friction are required to be reduced, but the relationship between the feeling of softness and the reduced coefficient of static friction is greater. For example, the choice of softener needs to be carefully considered, two different softeners are applied to the viscose filament, softener A contains polydimethylsiloxane, and softener B is a cationic softener. The lubricant requirements d for chemical fiber stretchers and high speed sewing threads are as low as possible. Cationic softeners have properties that greatly reduce S. Therefore, the treated fabric has a very soft feel and waxy lubricity, and the application effect is very good. It is a promising softener product, but it must be noted; Some fabrics split more easily.